Everyone loves a laugh at their near neighbours in football. It’s what we do. We belittle Beduff and Tamuff and the other tinpot teams around us, they bitterly call us out whilst secretly wanting to be us.

C*v has always been a bit more divisive. Some don’t see there being a rivalry, pointing to all the acts of kindness they’ve done us over the years in terms of loans and seats and so forth. Others somehow find it conscionable to support both clubs.  2CWs the lot of them.

I, personally, hate everything they do on a football pitch. Hope they lose every game they play, either through being absolutely woeful  or conspiratorial decisions that rob them of glory.

Whatever your view on those down the A444 is, if you’re a football fan, a real football fan, then the scenes going on now, that have rumbled on for years, aren’t funny. It’s borderline criminal what has happened to that club.

I like to see C*v lose.  But I still like to see C*v. I take great joy in their fans moaning about results, but I have nothing but empathy and compassion for them at the minute with the way they’re being treated and their club is being used as a pawn.

That such a situation is allowed to continue is beyond me. If fit and proper tests don’t ascertain the reasons behind a persons taking over a football club, and merit those on whether or not they actually have the club’s interest at heart, rather than what fast buck they might make, then fit and proper tests aren’t fit and proper.

We seem to have fallen foul of that ourselves over the summer. Whether our fates become intertwined is of much speculation in some quarters. I would hope not,  because I don’t think it would end well for either side.

So today, this blog offers it’s support to our friends or rivals,  however you want to view them,  in Coventry. We stand with the fans of the Sky Blues in calling for an end to the farce surrounding the stadium ownership, and for new owners to be found for a historic and vitally important football club, not just for Coventry, but for football in the midlands as a whole. Football without the Sky Blues just wouldn’t be right.

We stand with you. Just don’t mention 1987, for fucks sake.